Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Crust Roguery 101- Guidelines

Hello, fellow rogue. In case you didn't notice, it's that time.

There are things you need to know if you truly wish to take this rogue business srsly.

First of all, wtf  is a "crust rogue"? No, it isn't some awesome 20/20/21 spec. Crust is to be crusty as in crust punx crusty. I think rogues are pretty damn crusty as is, even more crusty when they acknowledge their crustiness.

So in other words, I'm a scumfuck? Err...somewhat. You have possess certain qualities of a scumfuck yes, but you are by no means a total scumfuck. At least you shouldn't be. There is a certain code of sorts that comes along with being crusty, and you should probably keep that mind. Nothing too specific, because what good are absolutes anyway? Just a few guidelines.

1. You are not a troll. The obnoxious kind, not the tusky type. You are not an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. You are an asshole for the sake of the lulz. You do roguey stuff because it's clever and witty. The rogue-wit is essential to your being. If something isn't rogue-witty (wogety) in any sense of the word, why the fuck are you doing it? Also, some things just aren't lulzy.
2. You are not a moron. So don't act like one. It's ok to ask scrubby questions, just don't say stupid shit. Try to look things up before you either a) ask about them in /trade or b) presume to know about them in /trade. Really you shouldn't be talking in trade chat period unless you are buying/selling or have something wogety to say. The exception is lfm, but only if it is for something that people actually want to do like ToC or Ulduar hard modes. No one wants to run Mauradon with you.

But the people in trade chat seem to be having so much fun and I ju- Stop. Stop right there. Shift click their names:

Roxorbladefistgut- Level 27 Orc Hunter 1 player online

Abjdudlacityr- Level 1 Human Warrior 
Character not available

Alterineus- Level 43 Night Elf Druid

Milkmyudderbeefs- Level 62 Tauren Shaman
Character not available...please?

Jop- Level 58 Dwarf Death Knight 

And you thought these people were having fun...Just who are these people anyways? Does anyone actually know them? Hell, I don't even think I've ever seen any of them. I might have ganked Jop awhile back while he was farming ogre pellets, but other than that I've got nothing. The bottom-line is you do not be one of them. You do not even want to associate with them. Even clicking the "ignore" button is giving them too much attention. So stay the hell away from /trade, /LFG, and /ass end of the barrel-ens.

3. You are not a prick. You are a dick. HUGE difference. You are by nature disinclined to give anyone more than they deserve. You do not however, give people less than they deserve. If someone asks you a semi-reasonable question, answer it. If someone needs a little help and it isn't too much trouble, by all means help them out. Maintain a neutral demeanor by default. You will quickly figure out who is likable, and who is an idiot. When you encounter another player, assume they are people and probably have likes/dislikes similar to your own. Let them prove you wrong, and then you can berate them.

4. You are not a swankpot. You have no need for flamboyance. Don't talk about your outstanding accomplishments. If you are good, then people will notice. If you aren't good, at least you never said you were. If you are decent, maybe people will thank you are "trying" and hey, you're silent.

Ok, crust rogue is already a stretch, but WHAT TEH FUCK is a swankpot?!? 


It's someone who "shows off". It's in the fucking dictionary man, look it up or something.

So this is what you are not. Next you will learn what you should be.